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Export csv of selected elements.

Construction contractors would like to use Design Review to check the isometrics and other packages. It would be convenient if they could also export selected items properties to a csv.
6 days ago in Reporting 0 Needs review

New Selection Scope for element referencing elements

Assembly & Top-Assembly use the embedding relationship but there is nothing for the reference relationships. The reference relationship is used for isometric sheets related to piping and instrument components so we cannot click on the isometri...
6 days ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

Drive Tool - Profile Selection

The Drive tool has no way to select the desired profile / vertical alignment to follow. Example: my horizontal alignment has at least 2 vertical alignments associated with it one representing the original ground surface and one representing the de...
28 days ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

Support for Civil 3D Custom Property Sets

Add support for SQL queries in Civil 3D / DWG VBA scripted properties. Civil 3D files with custom property sets that contain manual entry properties are currently supported and display as intended. But files with custom property sets that contain ...
27 days ago in Synchronization 0 Needs review

Improved display of Civil 3D Surfaces

Hi, I've imported Civil 3D surfaces into the iTwin. The import works well, but I'd like to suggest some usability improvements. The attached video should explain the suggestions. 1) In the Model tree, the features of the surface (contours, triangl...
3 months ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

Manipulation tool for iModel

A broader request to enhance the visualisation tools for imodel Has we move more more toward 3D Design, 3D Validation and 3D Delivery having new tools to interract with the iModel to manipulate and manage become more important. Also model become m...
13 days ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

For Revit model being import

Allow Room, space, level and grid to be recognized when we import a Revit document Can be apply to any other cad model as well
13 days ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

ArcGIS Feature pick feature

When adding an ArcGIS feature, the user must know the feature name and type it in exactly. Can you get the list of features (or layers) after typing in the connection string so that the user can pick them from a dropdown box?
13 days ago in iModel Management 0 Needs review

"Level Off" option in iTwin

It's been raised that navigation in the iModels would be easier if you had the option to switch levels off by - "Select element" > "Right click" > "Level Off". This prevents the need to manually type in the level name and scroll through swit...
16 days ago in iModel Management 0 Needs review

I wish the service could store a backup of the last synced models and store it like a snap shot. Like how google photos will let me view a video in my good drive but if I want to watch it, it has to download to my phone again

This idea is related to when Bentley has an outage and we cannot access the iModels.
7 months ago in iModel Management 1 Needs review