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Export civil XS to DGN or DWG or DXF or any cad format

while using the civil XS it would be nice to allow the exportation of the XS in a CAD format
4 days ago in Export 0 Needs review

Gaussian Splats Connector

Gaussian splats offer an efficient way to visualize 3D environments, and some have successfully integrated them into Cesium using custom methods (example). Adding support for Gaussian splats in iModel would enable seamless visualization of reality...
10 days ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

Hourly Usage Tracking for iTwin platform Subscription

Bentley reports currently lack hourly usage tracking, which is essential for monitoring iTwin subscription credit consumption. Adding this feature would improve transparency, optimize resource allocation, and prevent unexpected overages.
10 days ago in Administration 0 Needs review

Improved display of Civil 3D Surfaces

Hi, I've imported Civil 3D surfaces into the iTwin. The import works well, but I'd like to suggest some usability improvements. The attached video should explain the suggestions. 1) In the Model tree, the features of the surface (contours, triangl...
about 2 months ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

I wish the service could store a backup of the last synced models and store it like a snap shot. Like how google photos will let me view a video in my good drive but if I want to watch it, it has to download to my phone again

This idea is related to when Bentley has an outage and we cannot access the iModels.
6 months ago in iModel Management 1 Needs review

Suggestion to add a pop up when opening iModels

Opening on Behalf of Jacobs: I've been speaking with a couple of BIM leads, and they've suggested adding a pop-up to iModels when they're opened. This message would explain that drawings are the assured deliverables, while iModels don't go through...
23 days ago in iModel Management 0 Needs review

ProjectWise Metadata instead of File name in iModel Tree for Master/Container file

ProjectWise metadata such as description, doc tile in the Tree View rather than the file names. It is very difficult for the user to navigate the Tree view based on the file name. The file name is clear to the BIM manager and the dedicated team wo...
about 2 months ago in iModel Management 0 Needs review

Save an issue Form in workflow BEFORE all required fields are filled out

Currently, one cannot save a form unless all required fields are filled out. It is quite common for our users to have SOME field information which they would want to add to the form and SAVE prior to having all information and advancing in the wor...
5 months ago in Issues and Forms 0 Needs review

Allow deleting of other users' markups in PDF markup tool

Originally submitted as an service request for inform ation ( CS0299212 ), we often run into situations where users of the collaborative PDF markup will make an erronous mark and then conclude their shift. Nobody can remove the erroneous marks and...
4 months ago in iModel Management 3 Will not implement

Solidworks connector

We expect to have a connector to synchronize model designed by Solidworks directly. There are so many users having mechanical assets.
over 3 years ago in Synchronization 0 Future consideration