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Support gravity walking on inclined plates

When starting gravity walking, when the selected surface is an inclined plate, people may experience problems with being suspended or entering the plate, which means that a third person cannot identify the obliquity height.
almost 2 years ago in Visualization 0 Future consideration

Add parameter settings for model publishing

In the model, there are numerous types and quantities of views. I hope to increase the parameter settings for model publishing and choose which views and sheets to publish before model publishing; Publishing parameters include: view parameters, sh...
almost 2 years ago in Synchronization 2 Already exists

IFC export automation

To automate the ability to share, and distribute IFC files, there should be a means of automating the creation of IFC exports on a schedule.
4 months ago in Export 1 Already exists

Progress bar of IFC Export

How does one see the status of a pending IFC export? Where does one look to check the number of IFC exports in progress? How does one verify if an IFC export is logged in the system correctly?
4 months ago in Export 1 Already exists

Microstation Model properties for Export IFC

Currently, the Engineering data contained in an IFC file, does not group the data structures of different referenced DGN files. There is no Filename or Model property (such as Model Name, Description, Logical Name) that is present in the IFC file....
4 months ago in Export 0 Future consideration

Individual IFC export of multiple DGN files stored in ProjectWise

Standard industry projects are formed of 100s of DGN files, and other 3D files to generate a Federated model. Currently, Export to IFC only allows users to export a single IFC file of the entire model. Users need the ability to export individual I...
4 months ago in Export 1 Already exists

Subsurface Data & OpenGround Workflow API

APIs to display and manage geotechnical data and OpenGround Workflow. Subsurface Data API Ability to visualize surface data Subsurface Profile Borehole Information Ability to query subsurface data OpenGround Workflow API (Core Services with Monoli...
over 3 years ago in iTwin Platform Expansion 0 Will not implement

Add automatic version creation

It is tedious and not the best use of time to have to manually create versions of i-Twins. Please add the ability to create a named version (with naming rules) after successful synchronization.
about 1 year ago in iModel Management 1 Already exists

Please include customized roles (manage roles) i InfrastructureCloud version

Please include the option to customize roles (manage roles) under 'Manage your team', so that users can be divided into subdiscipline roles such as 'Civil' 'drainage' 'road' - it was possible in PW365 but not in infrastructure cloud (yet).
about 1 year ago in Issues and Forms 1 Will not implement

Interactive class remapping on IFC Export

The current functionality of exporting IFCs from iModels is a great time saver. It would be much better if instead of providing a JSON file with the class mapping (see attachment), the web had an user inteface for such a common task.The documentat...
11 months ago in Export 1 Future consideration