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All ideas

Showing 60 of 60

Ability to update an attributes type in an iModel from OPM Workspace

You have a current iModel which was created using an OPM Workspace and check-out and in objects using OPM. The OMP workspace changes where an attribute type changes from a DOUBLE to a STRING, there is no way to update the iModel, the only option i...
8 months ago in iModel Management 1 Will not implement

Selection set by Sphere

Project Managers would like to be able to select a set of objects in an itwin for classifying hazardous areas or Holds by sphere.
almost 3 years ago in Visualization 0 Future consideration

Allow sorting in the different get projects API

Currently, when querying "My projects" or "Favorite projects", we can provide paging (default to 100 items per page, configurable), however, we cannot request sorted data. If a user have more than one page of projects, it is required to download t...
almost 4 years ago in Administration 0 Future consideration

Exporting Schema/Parameters

Exporting all included parameters in each model in csv or excel file
over 1 year ago in Export 1 Will not implement

Get form attachments endpoint is not returning PW links

Neither the "Get project form data", the "Get form data details", nor the "Get form data attachments" endpoints return the linked ProjectWise documents. The iTwin platform documentation states that the Get form data attachments "Retrieves the meta...
over 1 year ago in Issues and Forms 1 Will not implement

Improve UV maps of combined mesh

I found several problems with the UV of the exported model using the "combine mesh". Making it impossible to use custom materials.
over 2 years ago in Game Engines 0 Future consideration

Add the possibility to delete previous versions.

Save space on the hub.
over 2 years ago in File Storage 0 Future consideration

gbXML Connector

The Green Building XML schema, or "gbXML", is a popular interchangeable format in the buildings industry for LCA use cases. gbXML integrates with many building analysis software (as listed in the link below). These additional integration will allo...
almost 3 years ago in Synchronization 0 Future consideration

Indicate Loading before Export

Currently, there are tooltips on the coordinates indicating when a model is loading, but it would have been nice it there was a separate tooltip always on display next to the Export button telling the user, whether the model is currently loading i...
almost 3 years ago in Export 1 Already exists

Integration with Twinmotion and phasing data

Could there be a “Twinmotion” export mode. In this mode, the animation data would be ignored (only because Twinmotion does not yet ingest Datasmith animation data). Since Synchro Pro puts different materials on objects over time, perhaps the way a...
over 3 years ago in Game Engines 0 Future consideration