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Suggestion to add a pop up when opening iModels

Opening on Behalf of Jacobs: I've been speaking with a couple of BIM leads, and they've suggested adding a pop-up to iModels when they're opened. This message would explain that drawings are the assured deliverables, while iModels don't go through...
about 1 month ago in iModel Management 0 Needs review

Allow deleting of other users' markups in PDF markup tool

Originally submitted as an service request for inform ation ( CS0299212 ), we often run into situations where users of the collaborative PDF markup will make an erronous mark and then conclude their shift. Nobody can remove the erroneous marks and...
4 months ago in iModel Management 3 Will not implement

Solidworks connector

We expect to have a connector to synchronize model designed by Solidworks directly. There are so many users having mechanical assets.
over 3 years ago in Synchronization 0 Future consideration

Inventor connector

A lot of Chinese users have the assets of non-standard equipment. They expect to have a connector to synchronize model to iModel designed by Inventor directly.
over 3 years ago in Synchronization 1 Future consideration

Tekla Connector

Some of the users use Tekla to design and create their models in structure area. They also want to synchronize those models into iModel. However, we don't have such kind of connector at this moment. We'd like to have one.
almost 4 years ago in Synchronization 0 Future consideration

Issue forms custom icon

It was be very useful for immediately identifying forms in the iTwin viewer, or for creating issues with varying levels of urgency. For example a hazard form could have the icon of a exclamation mark in a triangle, and within the workflow it would...
8 months ago in Issues and Forms 0 Needs review

Space Mouse 3Dconnexion support

with a SpaceMouse it's easy to navigate through the Model without switching between different Mouse Actions. So, you can start measuring on one side of a wall rotate the model to the other side and continue measure. Also, you can walk/fly through ...
over 2 years ago in Visualization 1 Already exists

JT connector

JT is a very powerful and efficient file format that can be exported from all major geometry based CAD systems like NX, Inventor, SolidEdge, etc . Today, it is only possible to convert JT via the Microstation connector. It would be perfect to have...
8 months ago in Synchronization 0 Future consideration

Online Boolean operation

In actual modeling, such as walls, beams, plates, columns, etc., they often cross. When carrying out work such as quantity calculation, it is necessary to calculate the cross part.
over 2 years ago in iModel Management 1 Already exists

Actor properties shown in Chinese

For now the datasmith files exported by itwin can only show English language user defined properties in UE. I hope itwin could support more language including Chinese.
about 2 years ago in Game Engines 1 Will not implement