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New Selection Scope for element referencing elements

Assembly & Top-Assembly use the embedding relationship but there is nothing for the reference relationships. The reference relationship is used for isometric sheets related to piping and instrument components so we cannot click on the isometri...
4 days ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

Drive Tool - Profile Selection

The Drive tool has no way to select the desired profile / vertical alignment to follow. Example: my horizontal alignment has at least 2 vertical alignments associated with it one representing the original ground surface and one representing the de...
26 days ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

Improved display of Civil 3D Surfaces

Hi, I've imported Civil 3D surfaces into the iTwin. The import works well, but I'd like to suggest some usability improvements. The attached video should explain the suggestions. 1) In the Model tree, the features of the surface (contours, triangl...
3 months ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

Manipulation tool for iModel

A broader request to enhance the visualisation tools for imodel Has we move more more toward 3D Design, 3D Validation and 3D Delivery having new tools to interract with the iModel to manipulate and manage become more important. Also model become m...
11 days ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

For Revit model being import

Allow Room, space, level and grid to be recognized when we import a Revit document Can be apply to any other cad model as well
11 days ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

Gaussian Splats Connector

Gaussian splats offer an efficient way to visualize 3D environments, and some have successfully integrated them into Cesium using custom methods (example). Adding support for Gaussian splats in iModel would enable seamless visualization of reality...
about 1 month ago in Visualization 1 Needs review

Space Mouse 3Dconnexion support

with a SpaceMouse it's easy to navigate through the Model without switching between different Mouse Actions. So, you can start measuring on one side of a wall rotate the model to the other side and continue measure. Also, you can walk/fly through ...
over 2 years ago in Visualization 1 Already exists

Description Column on iModel

So that models can be easily identified
over 1 year ago in Visualization 1 Will not implement

Support gravity walking on inclined plates

When starting gravity walking, when the selected surface is an inclined plate, people may experience problems with being suspended or entering the plate, which means that a third person cannot identify the obliquity height.
almost 2 years ago in Visualization 0 Future consideration

iTwin Power BI Visualization element group enhancement

The Power BI visualization tool would be really useful IF it allowed you to configure multiple different groups of elements into it. each with a different configurable color. This way I could highlight different sets of data at once, for example I...
about 1 year ago in Visualization 0 Future consideration