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Showing 19

Allow sorting in the different get projects API

Currently, when querying "My projects" or "Favorite projects", we can provide paging (default to 100 items per page, configurable), however, we cannot request sorted data. If a user have more than one page of projects, it is required to download t...
over 3 years ago in Administration 0 Future consideration

Improve UV maps of combined mesh

I found several problems with the UV of the exported model using the "combine mesh". Making it impossible to use custom materials.
about 2 years ago in Game Engines 0 Future consideration

Add the possibility to delete previous versions.

Save space on the hub.
over 2 years ago in File Storage 0 Future consideration

gbXML Connector

The Green Building XML schema, or "gbXML", is a popular interchangeable format in the buildings industry for LCA use cases. gbXML integrates with many building analysis software (as listed in the link below). These additional integration will allo...
almost 3 years ago in Synchronization 0 Future consideration

Integration with Twinmotion and phasing data

Could there be a “Twinmotion” export mode. In this mode, the animation data would be ignored (only because Twinmotion does not yet ingest Datasmith animation data). Since Synchro Pro puts different materials on objects over time, perhaps the way a...
about 3 years ago in Game Engines 0 Future consideration

Appearance profile color and animation in non-combined scenes

Some projects require modification of individual meshes so need to use the advanced export. It would be good to reflect the appearance profiles as these can represent specific work activities.
about 3 years ago in Game Engines 0 Future consideration

Unreal: Add milestones as a marked frame in the sequencer animation.

To have a reference of the animation with the synchro schedule, in a simple way. Because it is easy to reference marked frames some blueprints.
over 2 years ago in Game Engines 0 Future consideration

cubic mapping pattern

we expect to have a issue resolution to support cubic mapping pattern,for the reason that this kind of mapping is very common and indispensable for the users.
over 3 years ago in Visualization 0 Future consideration

Customize page size for query

We sometimes use imodelconsole to figure how long a query would take to execute. Having a customize option for page size would help us do that quickly. Sometimes while developing a new query, we try out different variants and compare.
almost 4 years ago in iModel Management 0 Future consideration