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IFC export automation

To automate the ability to share, and distribute IFC files, there should be a means of automating the creation of IFC exports on a schedule.
4 months ago in Export 1 Already exists

Progress bar of IFC Export

How does one see the status of a pending IFC export? Where does one look to check the number of IFC exports in progress? How does one verify if an IFC export is logged in the system correctly?
4 months ago in Export 1 Already exists

Individual IFC export of multiple DGN files stored in ProjectWise

Standard industry projects are formed of 100s of DGN files, and other 3D files to generate a Federated model. Currently, Export to IFC only allows users to export a single IFC file of the entire model. Users need the ability to export individual I...
4 months ago in Export 1 Already exists

Indicate Loading before Export

Currently, there are tooltips on the coordinates indicating when a model is loading, but it would have been nice it there was a separate tooltip always on display next to the Export button telling the user, whether the model is currently loading i...
almost 3 years ago in Export 1 Already exists